Richmond and Kingston
ME Group
Richmond and Kingston
ME Group
Richmond and Kingston
ME Group
Richmond and Kingston
ME Group
Richmond & Kingston
ME Group
Living with M.E.
Anything in our library can be borrowed by members free of charge.
To borrow any item below just submit a library request
The Long Covid Self-Help Guide: Practical Ways to Manage Symptoms
From the Specialists at the Post-Covid Clinic, Oxford (2022)
This practical guide looks at issues affecting Long Covid sufferers and focuses on how to manage them, including fatigue, breathlessness, sleep problems, physical exertion, psychological problems, & sense of smell.
A review of this book by one of our members featured in a recent newsletter. Take a look
The Pain-Free Mindset: 7 Steps to Taking Control and Overcoming Chronic Pain
Dr Deepak Ravindran (2021)
Dr Ravindram is an NHS pain consultant who believes that we need a more holistic approach to dealing with chronic pain. If you can get past the misleading title, this is a really informative read.
A review of this book by one of our members featured in a recent newsletter. Take a look
Sick and Tired; an intimate history of fatigue
Emily K Abel (2021)
Emily K. Abel offers the first history of fatigue, one that is scrupulously researched but also informed by her own experiences as a cancer survivor.
The Infection Game
Dr Sarah Myhill and Craig Robinson (2018)
Dr Myhill sees most physical illness as largely infection-driven and suggests cheap, effective (and mostly non-pharmacological) defences against, this focusing on the immune system.
Diagnosis and Treatment of CFS: Mitochondria, Not Hypochondria
Dr Sarah Myhill (2014)
This was Dr Myhill’s original book, writing up years of experience of treating (and some research into) ME/CFS patients.
See also
From Fatigued to Fantastic
Jacob Teitelbaum (2007)
Teitenbaum’s SHIN protocol addresses the four issues he identifies: sleep, hormones, infection and nutrition
Overcoming Chronic Fatigue
Mary Burgess, with Trudie Chalder (2005)
A self-help guide using Cognitive Behavioural Techniques. (note the revised NICE guidelines explicitly state that CBT may be useful as a complementary therapy but does not cure ME/CFS
Living with ME
Charles Shepherd (1999, 1992)
A classic. Originally written in 1989 so there will be some issues, such as the state of research, that are out of date, but this is a comprehensive guide from an authoritative source to diagnosis, and all aspects of management.
Many helpful online resources
Action for ME
Available online, or we can print and send you these, including:
This is ME
Why I’m eligible for a free flu jab
Taming the gorilla: a guide to living and learning with M.E.
Pacing for people with M.E
Newly diagnosed with M.E
CFS: A Treatment Guide
Verrillo & Gellman (1997)
An extensive description of ME/CFS symptoms, and a discussion of over 100 treatment options: pharmacological, nutritional and alternative therapies
Sick and tired of feeling sick and tired:
Living with Invisible Chronic Illness
Donoghue and Siegel (1994)
Explores many different aspects of living with invisible chronic illness and suggests ways to manage them
Better recovery from Viral Illnesses
Dr Darrel Ho-Yen (1994)
The emphasis in this book is what the patient and doctor should do to best cope with ME
ME & CFS: A Practical Guide
Dr Anne Macintyre (1991) – 2 copies
Written by a medical doctor with ME, this is a practical guide to exercise and rest, nutrition and supplements, coping with lifestyle change and managing depression, particular issues for women, and psychiatric approaches
The New Mystery Fatigue Epidemic ME:
What is it? Have you Got it? How to get better
Franklin & Sullivan, “(1989)
Dated but a short introductory book (albeit with one or two therapies less common today such as enzyme potentiated desensitisation for food intolerance or allergy)